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come to one’s ears
传入耳朵 在耳边说  detail>>
box one’s ears
打某人一记耳光  detail>>
get one’s ears pierced
打耳眼  detail>>
come in one by one
依次进来  detail>>
come across one
在街上撞上了前妻  detail>>
come back to one’s mind
回忆起某事  detail>>
come easy to one
对…轻而易举  detail>>
come into one’s arms
回到…的怀抱  detail>>
come my little one
我的小乖乖  detail>>
come to one more cup
再来一杯  detail>>
come together as one
全世界必须团结在一起  detail>>
and how many ears must one man have,
一个人得有多少耳朵  detail>>
how many ears must one man have
一个人要有多少只耳朵,  detail>>
one can come and go as one pleases
要来就来要去就去  detail>>
and no one else could come between
和其他人没有关系  detail>>
come across one another accidentally
邂遘  detail>>
come one after another in succession
随踵而至  detail>>
that one change can only come
只能做一个改变  detail>>